Stephanie Francom
is a coach, author, and speaker who loves circling the campfire with her family, sees amazing potential in everyone, and shares her peanut M&M’s . . . sometimes. Her master’s degree with an emphasis on womanhood, her founding of a non-profit organization, Art of Womanhood, and her daily living reveal her passion for the family. Her personal mission is to inspire others to live on purpose and to empower them to share the truth in their hearts from the rooftops.
If you are thinking about writing a book and are not sure where or how to start, work with Stephanie Francom—you will never regret it! She is loving, gentle, firm, and encouraging. Working with Stephanie cut out frustration and double-work, and now I can actually see myself as a writer.
- Amayea Maat
What People are Saying …
Structure your writing so you can write with confidence.
I help my clients get unstuck to move forward in life and to write with intention and purpose.
We help you produce faith-promoting works of non-fiction, personal development and family history.
From the moment Stephanie Francom walked in the room, I was immediately drawn to her. She has such a light, and she truly cares about "the one."
Stephanie asked all the right questions to help me realize I have three different writing projects---not one, like I originally thought. In 5 short weeks of working with Stephanie, I went from idea to currently being edited on the first project.
Although there are many reasons I would recommend Stephanie, my top two are:
1. She is skilled at drawing the story out of you, making sense of it, and organizing it so you can successfully produce it.
2. She has spent hours in prayer and pondering on my behalf. As a Christian writer, I believe I am literally on God's errand in these writing projects. Having a writing coach who believes it as well, and who is also tapping into the inspiration available for these projects to move toward completion is exactly what I need!
- Katy Willis
Book Reveal
New from stephanie!
Receive a FREE PDF download of "A Small Selection of God's Promises" mentioned in Stephanie's newly released book Bound to Him.
Looking for a Speaker?
Stephanie enjoys speaking in both small and large groups. She has spoken from stages in the corporate world, at the front of the room in smaller business settings, as the keynote speaker at non-profit-sponsored events, at various conferences, as well as at many religious venues.
If you are interested in having Stephanie speak at your event, please contact her.