Can Writing Help You Heal?

Writing was a necessary evil in high school. I had a brilliant English teacher, but my pure white papers were returned in crimson. If I had ever had any aspirations for writing, she would have squelched them entirely.

After high school and college my writing days were done. For good.

Stumbling Upon a Truth

Fast forward about a decade.

I began to notice people’s strengths, their struggles, their successes, and so forth. I don’t know why, but I began to send little notes to them to recognize them for their talents, their service, their kindnesses, and to support them in their pain. I’m embarrassed to say that after I sent such cards, I promptly forgot what I said and often who I even sent it to.

But out of the woodwork, here and there, I had a number of people approach me and compliment my ability to express myself in writing. This was mind-boggling in light of my history.

I guess the reason I share this is because of the aha moment I had one day. It occurred to me that if we want to have influence to help support others, writing is more than a necessary evil. It can be used to build up others, share with them, strengthen them, and buoy them up.

A Writer is Born

It was about that time that I became involved with an organization whose mission was to inspire women to strengthen their families. In order to reach the women we worked with and to train our mentors, I had to write. A lot.

I’ve changed my opinion of writing. And actually, I have learned to love it.

One Step at a Time

But have you found that writing can seem kind of daunting? It sure was for me. When my opinion changed, I had to endure a process to learn the best approach. My approach had to come line upon line…just a bit at a time. The bite sized chunks made it seem doable, and even fun. If you would like some simple and easy steps to get started with your writing, check out a free download of my Baby Steps to Transformational Writing.

A Chorus of Voices


I think we all have stories that burn in our souls. These experiences could deeply touch others, if only we could find our voices. And imagine the influence that might be felt when our one voice becomes many.

If you haven’t penciled your thoughts or stories of late, maybe the time is now. Come on. You can do this…Just take it one baby step at a time.

What have you learned from sharing your stories or from learning of others?

Are you ready to take your writing to the next level? Is there a book in you? I can help.